That boy sounds like he wrote the Bible

New Testament: Luke 2.47

To read the Bible in a year, read Luke 2.25–52 on March 22, In the year of our Lord Christ 2021

By Don Ruhl 

The parents of Jesus headed back home, believing that their 12-year-old son was with family in the large crowd that was going north out of Jerusalem. However, He had stayed back in Jerusalem and was with teachers there, asking and answering questions. Listen to how Luke says those teachers reacted: 

And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.

– Luke 2.47 

You can almost hear some of them saying, That boy sounds as though He wrote the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. If only they knew who that boy was, for He was indeed responsible for the Bible. 


  • Do you teach children in Bible classes? 
  • What do you think of the questions they ask? 

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